Sunday, March 20, 2011

Too Bad If You're Sick of This Song!

Since this song has been stuck in my head for the past week….and EVERYBODY is posting it on Facebook….I guess it’s time that I talk about it…

So, if you haven’t heard of the YouTube phenomenon, Rebecca Black with her song “Friday”….where have you been? In one week, this video scored 18 million hits on YouTube. I just checked now and it’s at 26 million and climbing. Apparently, Rebecca’s mom paid $2000 to ARK Music Factory (never heard of them) for her daughter to record this song/video. People have called it the “worst song ever.” Rebecca Black was on Good Morning America recently, and she revealed that she’s been getting death threats and horrible, horrible feedback about this song/video. I will argue, however, that this song is awesome. It’s an unintentional parody of pop music. This song may be ridiculous, but let’s cut the 13-year old some slack, shall we?

Here’s what I think:
  • She eats cereal in the morning. That’s a good sign that she’s not developing an eating disorder. Parents everywhere thank her.
  • “Which seat can I take?” is a very valid question. How often have you walked to the side of someone’s car, only to have your friends inside motion “other side!” when you try to get in? Exactly. The creepy rapper further emphasizes the distinction between the front seat and the back seat. I find this very useful.
  • I thoroughly enjoy the girls sitting in the back seat (it’s the back seat by the way, NOT the front seat) with Rebecca.  They both have braces. Thank goodness, because now I don’t feel like shit every time I watch music video with girls shaking their greasy asses all over the place. My self esteem has gone way up. I even yelled, “Hey girls, I got MY braces off 6 years ago! Suckas!” to my computer screen at one point.
  • “Yesterday was Thursday. Today it is Friday…Tomorrow is Saturday. And Sunday comes afterwards” is by far the best part of the song. Why? Not because it’s redundant and ridiculous like most people would argue. This is, in fact, an excellent teaching resource for helping kids learn the days of the week.
  • The unknown rapper is indeed creepy. But, you know, he’s living it up big time now that he’s in a 13-year-old’s music video. And it’s great that he’s “switchin’ lanes when a car pull up beside.” Promoting good driving skills? Check.
  •  People should stop criticizing her so-called “bad lyrics.” I would argue that the lyrics, “Partying partying yeah. Partying partying yeah. Fun fun fun fun” definitely rival the lyrics of the current top pop stars. What about Justin Bieber’s “Baby baby baby ooooh. Baby baby baby nooooo”? What about Katy Perry’s “Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind, wanting to start again?” Clearly Rebecca is only taking inspiration from the best.
  • Friday is awesome and should be celebrated in song. Besides, what else does a 13-year-old have to sing about?
Here’s what I’m still questioning:
  •  What exactly do 13-year-olds do on Fridays? I remember walking around the mall for a bit then going to the movies, when I was 13. I would describe that as “fun,” not “fun fun fun fun.”
  •  Is that boy old enough to drive?
  • If they’re “On the highway…Cruising so fast,” why are the girls half-standing in the back seat (it’s the back seat, NOT the front seat, by the way). Isn’t that dangerous?
  •  What is the creepy rapper’s name? I’m just curious because I know he’s going to make it big at some point.
  • Why is the “bus stop” sign so effing huge?
  • Will clubs be playing this song in the near future? (I hope so).
I will now leave you with the best parody video of this song that I have seen so far. It involves a man in a dress, which, as you all know, tickles my fancy.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Get Out of Hell Free

No, I haven’t fallen off the face of the planet!

I’ve been absolutely crazy busy with school --- but I’m proud to say that after 5 straight years, I have no more university classes to attend!! Woohoo! I now have to do my final teaching placement for the next 5 weeks, and then I’m ACTUALLY done.  Eeeek, I’m so nervous for Monday. But compared to my previous teaching placement where kids threw things at me and started school fires, I think I can handle anything.

Since I posted last, one of the cool events I attended was a performance/lecture/reading by Kate Bornstein. She’s a transgendered author and gender theorist – her books are awesome – and hearing her live did not disappoint. Her stories and monologues were hilarious, riveting, and depressing all at the same time. I even cried during some of them, which is something that I DO NOT do very often. (Actually, who am I kidding? I cried when Ron and Sam broke up on Jersey Shore for the 100th time. Whatever, Jersey Shore is a whole other blog post).

As we left, she handed each of us a “get out of jail free card.” Her motto for the entire performance pretty much was, “Do whatever makes your life more worth living.” No matter if you’re a L or G or B or T or an XYZ I think this message connects to everyone on some level. She went on to explain that although she can’t get us out of jail if whatever we do lands us there, that she will happily spend our time in hell for us if we’re afraid our actions will land us there. Anyways, here’s the card. I’m going to put it in my scrapbook of life (yes I do have one, shut up.)

It’s March break right now. My out-of-town sister came and visited for a couple of days. She’s five years older than me, and although I very much enjoy her company, I’ve slowly come to realize over the past few years that she’s getting old. She talks about her potential bridesmaid dress colours (she’s not engaged yet). She relates everything that happens to her dog. She grows plants.

We went to a 1920s themed social/drag show, which was awesome. We looked great in our costumes, we drank lots of wine, and drag queens were roaming across the floor freely. In other words, the dance floor was calling us. She, however, sat across the table from me, looking unimpressed and tired. She started texting me from across the table….because leaning over and talking to me wasn’t cool enough, apparently. Keep in mind that when my sister texts, she’ll text one word per separate text. For example, instead of saying, “Hey, Sis! How’s it going?” in one text, she’ll say, “Hey.” “Sis!” “How’s it.” “Going?” “:D” “lol.” All in separate texts. You’ve been warned.

K-money: What’s wrong?
Sister: I’m tired.
K: Let’s dance!
S: My stomach hurts.
S: I’ve been farting forever.
S: Like, don’t come over here.
S: I think it’s because I’ve been holding them in all day on the airplane.
S: That drag queen
S: Looks hot!
S: Urrgh
S: My stomach
S: Hurts.
S: Like, it’s never hurt.
S: This bad before.
S: I can’t move.
K: Go to the b room. Ur annoying me.
S: I did.
S: It didn’t help.
S: It’s okay.
S: Go dance.
S: I’ll just sit here.
S: Or I’ll just go home.
S: Actually
S: I’ll sit here.
S: My stomach feels like it’s gonna explode.

You get the picture. And if you were wondering…Yes, my phone bill does indeed cost me a ton of money every month because of messages like these.

Oh, and the last awesome thing that’s happened recently?? How about the Kurt/Blaine romance that I’ve been rooting for on Glee forever?!?! I love how the writers didn’t pair them up right away. They needed some sexual tension. Anyways, the most recent episode of Glee involved them having a super awesome passionate kiss. It wasn’t just some wimpy “let’s-do-this-really-fast-so-we-are-less-likely-to-offend-people” kiss. Nope, it was fiery. After they stop, Blaine says, about their song for Regionals, “Well I guess we should practice” and Kurt responds with, “I thought we were.” And then they lean in for another smooch! Thanks Fox for actually showing a kiss that seemed legit and passionate. If Glee makes this Kurt/Blaine romance short-lived, I will be very sad indeed.

Anyways, wish me luck for Monday when I go to teach in a new school!! Eeek, so nerve-wracking! Hopefully I’ll make time to blog more frequently during the next bit. But after these 5 weeks are over and I’m officially school-less and job-less, I’ll have plenty more time to reconnect with the blogosphere. I really miss reading your guys’ blogs, and I really want to start making time to catch up on them again!

P.S. You probably noticed that I changed the layout of this blog. Although the old one was cool, it pretty much gave me a seizure every time I looked at it. Hope you like!